Moscow Region, Shakhovskaya go, Shakhovskaya R.P., Volochanovskoye highway, 16
Why choose our production
AVARUS production line
Veegoo equipment is installed on the factory production line. This brand belongs to one of the world leaders in the development of equipment for the production of quartz stone.
Three mixers are installed on the line to create the main decor and two machines for the automated formation of complex patterns of different colors. The production capacity of the line provides an output of up to 3000 slabs per month of a standard size.
Decor production possibilities
Monocolors and decors with fractions
Simple marble decors with veins and veins of 2, 3 and 4 color shades in one slab
Elite marbles with dense veins
Elite marbles with wide veins
High quality
The polishing and grinding line provides the creation of a glossy, matte and embossed surfaces of slabs.
Polishing and grinding takes 32 stages, which ensures excellent gloss quality.
About the factory
The AVARUS factory is the only manufacturer of quartz stone in Russia.
This quartz agglomerate is of perfect quality due to the use of high-quality raw materials and modern equipment.
The factory receives raw materials mainly from Russian and Turkish suppliers, which makes it possible to achieve a stable density and hardness of the material, as well as an impeccable polishing gloss, which in many surpasses the quality indicators of the material on the market.

  • Stone guarantee - 15 years
  • Minimum terms of production and delivery
  • Competitive cost of manufactured products
  • The factory produces unique stone decors for any project to order
Technical documentation
Comparison of quartz with acrylic stone
Comparison with other materials
Laboratory and technical standards of quartz stone
Avarus Certificate of Conformity
Test report
Our projects
Moscow Region, Shakhovskaya go, Shakhovskaya R.P., Volochanovskoye highway, 16

+7 499 404 0300
2024 @ All rights reserved